
Welcome to Sri Raghavendra Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital

Anathasevashram trust established since 1943 by founder president Sri.Raghavendra Swamiji (Tiruka). Till 1943 Sri. B. Raghavendra Rao who later became Raghavendra Swamiji was wandering through the coastal and rural areas of middle Karnataka, conduction a number of camps of 41 days for the youth to impart training in yoga and in values of life. In January 1943 during his philanthropic journey he came over to malladihalli and conducted the training camp here. He had just wound up the camp, there was an out break of cholera in the village. He, who had learnt Ayurveda from renowned Ayurveda Pundit, Laxman Baba of Karachi, now in Pakistan, plunged into service of victims of cholera.

Sri Raghavendra Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital is situated at Malladihali hich is aout 40km from Chitradurga. The lush green surroundings and the tranquility of the coutryside provide the perfect ackdrop for the college.

Colege & Hospital is spread across an area of 20 acres of land, the colege accommodates wel-equipped laboratories dissection hal, demonnstration hall, herbal garden and a library with a reading hall facility. The College has separate hostel for girls and boys.

The Ayurvedic Medical institute is dedicated the achievement of excellence in bothe Ayurvedic Education and Research. The college offers 5 1/2 years Degree Course of B.A.M.S(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery).

Principal's Messages

Traditional System of Medicine has taken major role in health care delivery system. Ayurveda stand first among them. Over the last few decades, popularity of Ayurveda has increased several folds not only in India but abroad as well. More than 200 Universities throughout the world are now running the courses of Ayurveda.

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